Is your human capital firing on all cylinders?

How can you tell?

“Drug Testing is an invasion of privacy!” That statement can’t be further from the truth. We get it – no one wants to be seen as the “uncool” boss or a stuffy employer.

Look at it this way:

Would you take a car on a long road trip without checking the tires or seeing if there is gas in it? Or would you leave your new baby with a sitter for the first time overnight without knowing their background? The same should be for your employees and your business. The piece of mind alone can help you trust your “baby” with staff so you can scale company growth without worrying about compromising quality or service.

Should employers really care about what employees are doing outside of work? The answer should be “Yeah; ya should.” You should be worried about the overall stress level of your employee, their happiness (in and out of the office), and their overall mental health – because honestly, if any of these things fall short, guess what? Your business will NOT be a top priority. Human nature is part of the package when it comes to employees.

You may not be able tell if employee personalities will mesh right off the bat, but you can protect your existing employees and the current success of your business, by vetting your new hires properly and thoroughly. You and your bottom line, will be glad you did.